The American Liberal vs. The Revolutionary: Exposing the Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing


The American Liberal vs. The Revolutionary: Exposing the Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

by Solomon Comissiong

“Liberals will frequently use pronouns such as, ‘we’ or ‘our’ in reference to the United States’ deadly militaristic actions.”

One of the many ways to easily tell the difference between an American “Liberal” and a Revolutionary-minded American is on the topic of war. Liberals will openly use money as a primary reason why they oppose the war. They say things like, “The financial costs associated with these wars are taking away much needed resources from our schools, public works and even health care!” This is very much true, however it is not the most important reason to oppose the United States’ imperialist wars. The most important reason would be that these wars destroy innocent lives and decimate entire nations. These wars rip the lives of women, children, men and elderly off of the planet. The Liberal loves to speak about the financial costs of war, however what about the human costs of these wars of aggression? Ultimately the loss of life can never be paid back. And when it comes to the United States government, they routinely get the most “bang” for their buck, slaughtering innocent civilians wholesale. In the most duplicitous manner they call it “collateral damage,” however this is mass murder – plain and simple!

Revolutionary-minded Americans oppose the US government’s wars because they are imperialist and because they destroy human lives, and destabilize entire nations. Ending these wars would save countless lives and would bring us one giant step closer to peace. Naturally, this would free up trillions of dollars that could also be used to save lives (healthcare) and to empower communities (i.e., universal education, livable wages, affordable housing). We must always be primarily motivated by humanity, not simply capital. Most Liberals fail in doing this because they, like their conservative counterparts, are also devoted capitalists. There is nothing revolutionary about capitalism. Capitalism is counter-revolutionary.

“We must always be primarily motivated by humanity, not simply capital.”

These Liberals will frequently use pronouns such as, “we” or “our” in reference to the United States’ deadly militaristic actions. A Revolutionary knows that this government never asked their approval when making decisions to invade and bomb other countries. They know the US government does not represent their vested interests in peace, justice and humanity. The Revolutionary knows damn well that they oppose imperialism! The average Liberal is continually stuck in an emotional quagmire desperately wanting to believe that this is ‘their’ government and not a government of and for Plutocrats. They believe they can change society by reforming the US government. A Revolutionary knows that the only way change will ultimately come is by way of a sustained social revolution, one that engages a critical mass to work collectively in dismantling injustice and oppression. They then must build a new society (and government), upon a foundation that puts humanity first and people before profits.  The Revolutionary also knows that they are citizens of the world, first, and not of the United States of Imperialism! The average American Liberal has been trained to see things radically different (and not in a good radical way). They are so polluted with Americanism; they are beholden to a set of fraudulent ideals they have been indoctrinated with since childhood. Humanity is much lower on their list of priorities than their manufactured nationalism.

“Liberals scorned Bush for his war crimes, however they champion Obama’s wars, aggression and mass murder.”

The American Liberal is often a willing cheerleader for imperialism, so long as a Democrat is orchestrating that war. We need to look no further than the most recent historical example with US president Barack Obama. Since becoming president of the United States Empire, Obama has launched numerous drone strikes (far more than George W. Bush), and vastly expanded the theater of war, bombing at least seven different nations. George W. Bush lied about Iraq as a justification to bomb, invade and destabilize that country. President Obama lied about Libya, stating Muammar Gaddafi was mass killing his people, as a justification to initiate a US and NATO led bombing campaign in the North African nation. Tens of thousands of people were killed as a result. Liberals scorned Bush for his war crimes, however they champion Obama’s wars, aggression and mass murder. Ostensibly the American Liberal adores imperialism so long as it is a Democrat overseeing it. It was doubly pathetic to witness countless African-Americans supporting, or remaining silent in regard to Obama’s imperialist actions. White liberals in Democratic Party clothing have politically domesticated African-Americans.  African-Americans used to oppose the United States’ imperialist wars, however since the rise of Obama they now support them. Barack Obama was the white liberal’s most perfect Trojan horse.

The American Liberal is a fraud. And as Malcolm X admonished us, liberals are foxes in sheep clothing. It is especially important that people of color recognize this simple fact: Liberals/Democrats are not our friends anymore than Conservatives/Republicans are. It is long past due that more of us develop a more revolutionary-minded way of thinking. Our humanity depends on it.

“The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but they at least don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the ‘smiling’ fox.”—Malcolm X

Solomon Comissiong ( is an educator, community activist, author, and Founder of the Your World News Media Collective ( Solomon is the author of A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues. Solomon is also the writer and producer of the documentary, Hip Hop, White Supremacy & Capitalism: Why Corporations Infiltrated RAP Music. He can be reached at:



Activism, American Politics, Race and Culture, War and Imperialism
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