Carving up the Libya Corpse for Profit by Stephen Lendman On September 1, dozens of predator states met in Paris to pick apart Libya’s bones even...
Besieging and Terror Bombing Sirte by Stephen Lendman In his latest article, Paul Craig Roberts calls America “utterly corrupt” and “certainly no ‘light unto...
From Cynthia McKinney: Libya Eyewitness Truth Tour Final Report On today, the anniversary of the overthrow of King Idris in Libya, the neo-colonial powers met in France to...
Libya: NATO’s Latest Charnel House by Stephen Lendman When NATO intervenes, massacres, mass destruction, and indescribable human misery follow. Libya is its latest trophy....
NATO’s Genocidal Rape of Libya by Stephen Lendman Continuing NATO atrocities on Libyan civilians gave naked aggression a new name. Call it what it...
NATO Style Liberation by Stephen Lendman Wherever it goes, NATO slaughters, ravages, lays waste, incinerates, contaminates, devastates, conquers, colonizes, plunders, exploits, impoverishes...
NATO’s Ugly Face by Stephen Lendman View it yourself! Images don’t lie, except NATO’s fake ones produced in Doha, Qatar and...
Libya: Keep the Freedom Flame Alive by Stephen Lendman Trapped for days in Tripoli’s Rixos Hotel, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) arranged...
NATO’S Planned Bloodbath In Tripoli by Stephen Lendman NATO intends to get the bloodbath it wants through intensified terror bombing and low-level strafing of...
New York Times: Lying about Libya and Palestine by Stephen Lendman Note: A follow-up article will continue the narrative below. Currently, events in Tripoli are fluid. Progressive...