Proposed FCC Media Consolidation Rules Proposed FCC Media Consolidation Rules– by Stephen Lendman In October 2007, then FCC chairman Kevin Martin proposed lifting...
‘JFK: The Case for Conspiracy—part-12.html
Arabian Sights (2011-12-16) In Quotes…Putin on Colored “Revolutions”…Iraq, free? Syria, Is “Freedom” coming Vladimir Putin calls Russia’s protesters ‘paid agents of the west’ “People are tired of the dictates of one country…...
Police Brutality, Black America, and the US Occupy Movement Police Brutality, Black America, and the US Occupy Movement By Solomon Comissiong The US “Occupy Movement” continues to raise...
How the Corporate Media Dictates How and What Americans Think Defining Social Issues: How the Corporate Media Dictates How and What Americans Think By Solomon Comissiong The US corporate...
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Bush, Blair Defense Relies On 9/11/01 (That’s why we need an independent investigation of...
Egyptian Military Power Grab Egyptian Military Power Grab – by Stephen Lendman Last February, euphoric celebrations followed Mubarak’s ouster. Across the Middle...
America’s Media War on Syria America’s Media War on Syria – by Stephen Lendman Replicating Libya’s model, Western generated uprisings began in March....
Targeting Iran and Syria Targeting Iran and Syria – by Stephen Lendman America, key NATO partners, and Israel target both countries. ...