The “I AM TROY DAVIS” e-blast campaign starts with you!

Call 404-913-3767 and with passion say “this is (your name) from (your location in the world) and I Am Troy Davis!” A real-time developing compilation of the drops placed over dope music, such as the one attached to this e-mail will be e-blasted every 12 hours at U.S.R. Press League (www.theshrine.podomatic.com) and facebook until September 21st, Troy’s scheduled date of execution, which this campaign is against.

Additional things one can do include:

1. Organize rallies in your area
2. Set up teach-ins
3. Sign the Amnesty USA petition, asking the GA Board of Pardons & Parole to grant Troy clemency, and forward it to others :
4. Set up vigils

5. Call Georgia Governor Nathan Deal’s office and ask him to grant Troy Clemency (404)656-1776
6. Call Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles ask them to grant Troy Clemency (404) 656-5651
Finally, learn more about Troy Anthony Davis at http://troyanthonydavis.org/
Let’ Go…

If you support this campaign, always click the “download” link to save the song to your computer for continuous enjoyment. Also, send to friends this e-mail to inform them about this campaign.

For further information, instrumental submissions, campaign ideas, praises, or critiques, the email address is unitedstatesofrhythm@gmail.com.

J O I N T H E W U R L D ! ! !

Race and Culture, US Prison System & Criminal System
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