Request for Obama to speak out for Troy Davis & “Gaddafi called farcical situation in Libya”

by Cynthia McKinney

I sent this brief statement to the White House this morning:
Mr. President: 

Your Department of Justice knows full well the profile of the State of Georgia with respect to fair treatment of its Black citizens.  Unfortunately, that includes matters of the criminal justice system and the death penalty.  Please review that record today and stop the execution of Troy Davis on the basis of a discriminatory effect in the pattern and practice of death penalty verdicts in the State of Georgia.
Stop the execution of Troy Davis scheduled for today.

An excellent resource for information coming from Libya is a new listserve started by Venezuela.  Although it is in Spanish, some French, the video links are understandable by all and many are in English.  Here are tweets to follow; they are up to the minute:!/search?q=%23Tobruk
Here is a poorly translated (Google) post from last night:

September 20, 2011 Gaddafi called farcical situation in Libya

(Web Correo del Orinoco) Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, on Tuesday described the current farcical situation in Libya, while he called on his supporters to not believe in the change of government, imposed by the National Transitional Council ( CNT).
“What happens in Libya is a farce that is only possible thanks to aerial bombardment,” led by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will not last forever, “Gaddafi said through a recording released by Arrai Syrian channel.
In the audio message, urged Libyans to not celebrate or believe “that a regime has been overthrown and another replaces it by air and sea bombardment.” The colonel, whose whereabouts are unknown for several weeks, warned about how difficult it is to “overthrow the regime that represents millions of Libyans.”
“All the Libyan tribes let him know that nobody in NATO represents the Libyan people,” Gaddafi insisted, explaining that “the only legitimate power is the people and the popular committees and any other is null and illegitimate.”

He further stated that “the Libyan political system is based on the power of the people making it impossible to be eliminated.” He recalled that he has not exercised “more power since 1977,” year “gave power to the people, marking the creation of the Libyan (Republic of Mass).” Then, “said to have fallen Gaddafi’s regime is something ridiculous,” he said, reiterating that the leader of his power over the people was made ​​”in the eyes of the world.” “There is no legitimacy, but the legitimacy of the people. There is no legitimacy, except the people’s committees, including membership to all Libyans, men and women, “she continued.

Libyan leader’s words were broadcast at a time when the North African invasion was six months (September 19) and insurgents continue to fight against those loyal to Colonel Gaddafi in strategic cities like Sabha, Bani Walid and Yufra in south, and in Sirte, in the north.

Silence is the deadliest weapon of mass destruction.

“When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.”
Yevgeny Yevtushenko

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