From Cynthia McKinney: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya Interview, Pt. 2 – US Finances Terrorists to Fight Terrorism!‏

It used to be that when you thought about Libya, one thought about the most developed country on the African Continent, wealthy, with no national debt, tons of gold, rich in oil, free electricity, education, medical care, and shared oil wealth.  Now, when one thinks of Libya, images of Iraq and Afghanistan will come to mind.  Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and a team of independent journalists working with him (among the last to leave Libya), have put all of the pieces together for us in this political puzzle of intrigue, betrayal, and genocide.On Saturday evening, KPFK’s Dedon Kamathi had Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya on, with me as guest host, to discuss the second blockbuster documentation that Nazemroaya has researched:  the United States finances terrorists and then fights them in the name of the global war on terror!   Nowhere is that more evident than in the case of Libya where Nazemroaya dissects the National Endowment for Democracy and its direct links to criminals, including terrorists wanted by Interpol!  I am certain that Pakistanis and Afghanis could recount similar tales, and the situation in Libya has led to a similarly tragic result.

Listen to Nazemroaya on Freedom Now at about 33 minutes in on this link:
Nazemroaya has two more appearances to go on Freedom Now where new information is released each appearance.  At the conclusion of the 4-part series, Nazemroaya will join with another journalist for a very special release.  Stay tuned.  Nazemroaya’s work documents and proves that:
1.  there was no evidence at all that thousands had been murdered by the Libyan Arab Jamahariya government, yet the United Nations passed two resolutions against Libya and NATO launched its current genocide, basically on the word of one person.  Nazemroaya documents how this took place and the mechanism used by this one key individual in the first interview of our series.  The total destruction now taking place of a country, its culture, and its people is all based on no evidence;
2.  when authorities inside the United States were telling the people of this country that they did not know who the “rebels” were, these very same Libyan “rebel” leaders were being financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and in some cases were serving as Directors of the NED;
3.  an elaborate network of NGOs and “human rights” organizations are actually US government fronts, financed by the NED to be pulled out at the convenience and instruction of certain entities inside the US government;
4.  US now supports individuals associated with a Libyan organization that is listed on the State Department website as a terrorist organization;
5.  A military plan awaits final action in all of North Africa and that plan is similar to French colonial designs that were prematurely aborted by the Algerian Revolution; and
6.  This US/NATO/AFRICOM action is a direct hit at the African Continent, Pan-Africanism, and the idea of a United States of Africa to which the Jamahariya government had committed $90 billion.
In Nazemroaya’s first document, you got to see the actual “human rights” organizations that signed on to the initial letter of accusation against the Libyan government.  I have received much comment about those organizations.  Certain individuals are even listed on the letter, too.  Their names will ring familiar.  The appearance of these names and organizations on the letter clearly, as has been pointed out to me by several readers of these messages and followers of the situation in Libya, places the fingerprints of noted neocons and Israel all over this US/NATO genocide.
Listen to Saturday’s show here (Nazemroaya starts at 33 minutes in):
Tune in to Freedom Now next week at PACIFIC time 5:00 pm for the next installment of Nazemroaya’s report.

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“When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.”
Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Africa, American Politics, War and Imperialism
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