Arabian Sights

“Gadaffi showed more bravery than anyone in the US administration. If a foreigner laughed at the torturing and killing of a US citizen, the bombs would start falling. These people are mentally deranged, but they have enough weaponry to fuck up the world. Hitler was a choir boy compared to the US administration.”
Jeff Archer
Criminal Racist B****, Clinton on Qaddafi: “We Came, We Saw, He Died”
A Litany of NATO/CIA “Rebels” War Crimes In Libya
The War on Libya and the Broader US-NATO Military Agenda
Is a World War III Scenario Unfolding?
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

With the killing of Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi this past week, NATO is celebrating what, in their view, is a great victory. However, this so-called “victory” has nothing to do with democracy, freedom or justice; it is part of a broad, insidious geopolitical strategy that has been on NATO’s drawing board for years. And what is even more frightening than the bloodlust being shamelessly splashed across the mainstream media is the fact that this latest manoeuver is merely a small part of a much wider military agenda with potentially catastrophic consequences.

In his latest e-book, “Towards a World War III Scenario”, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky outlines the strategies and real motives behind the war on Libya, what we can expect next from NATO (the world’s deadly “humanitarian” force), and the necessary steps for dispelling disinformation and preventing war on an unprecedented scale…

Gaddafi: “I chose to stay, fight and die with dignity”:
“we could bargain and sell our cause for a peaceful and stable life. We received many offers but chose to be in front of clashes with duty and honor, and even if we do not win, we will give a lesson to future generations, for choosing the nation is an honor and selling it is the great betrayal that history will remember forever.
West Planning Libya Solution For Syria
Moscow slams Western draft resolution on Syria
RIA Novosti
“The Western resolution is fraught with the repetition of a Libyan scenario although its co-authors are trying to convince us otherwise,” he said.
Who Killed Che? How the CIA Got Away With MurderMichael Ratner and Michael Steven Smith
 October 2011
This month marks the forty-fourth anniversary of Che Guevara’s murder. An analysis of government documents collected in a new book reveals a complex CIA scheme.
Qaddafi´s own ex-minister
becomes the “champion-of-democracy”
Now that Libya is ” liberated ”

Afghanistan shall offer it expertise in (opium) agriculture
and civic-society .

Italy shall give assistance in the

The UK shall reactivate the prisons for Irish-fighters.

The USA shall set up a plan for full democratisation
of the Oil industries.

France shall train the new recruit for mercenaries.

Saudi Arabia shall recruit more fanatics.

Israel shall introduce the
” Peace of the braves”.

The PLO offices shall be converted
as Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant.

Spartacus and Qaddafi
shall enter the history-books as Dictators.

Nelson Mandela and Hugo Chavez
shall miss a friend.

Foreign-interventions and Assassinations
shall get another meaning.

and finally :
Neo-colonialism shall be re-baptised
as “democratisation”.
(why did´nt the Crusaders think of this ??)

Raja Chemayel

Africa, American Politics, Latin America, War and Imperialism
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