Fascism in America – by Stephen Lendman

Fascism in America - by Stephen Lendman
In 1932, Mussolini declared the 20th century a "Fascist century," saying:
"It is to be expected that this century may be that of authority, a century of 
the "Right," a Fascist century." He claimed it would "sav(e) Western 
civilization." For what he didn't explain.
Post-WW I, Fascim's roots emerged. At the time, Western civilization was thought 
to be decadent, destructive, and in decline.
In his book titled, "The Decline of the West," Oswald Spengler said "liberalism, 
democracy, socialism (and) free-masosnry" weakened it. Only fascism could save 
In his essay titled, "Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions," Mussolini said, 
"Fascism denies, in democracy, the absurd conventional untruth of political 
equality dressed out in the garb of collective responsibility."
He called it the "complete opposite" of Marxist belief in class struggle as the 
driving force for social progress and justice. He said "(f)ascism should more 
appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and 
corporate power."
His definition applies now. Corporatism's alliance with political Washington 
reflects his ideology. It's been building for decades.
Huey Long once said fascism will arrive "wrapped in an American flag." In his 
book titled, "Friendly Fascism," Bertram Gross called Ronald Reagan its 
prototype ruler.
He described a slow, powerful "drift toward greater concentration of power and 
wealth in a repressive Big Business-Big Government," Big Brother alliance. It 
leads "toward a new and subtly manipulative form of corporatist serfdom." Its 
friendly face turns dark as hardline policies emerge.
In the 1930s, George Seldes saw it coming. He worried that New Deal policies 
would erode. In his 1934 book titled, "Iron, Blood and Profits," he discussed a 
"world-wide munitions racket." He cited WW I militarists and weapons makers in 
Europe and America.
"Merchants of death" he called them, promoting "imperialism (and) colonization - 
by means of war. (T)he healthfulness of the business depends on slaughter. The 
more wars," the more riches.
His 1943 book titled, "Facts and Fascism" explained "Fascism on the Home Front" 
in Part One, called "The Big Money and the Big Profits in Fascism."
In Parts Two and Three, he discussed "Native Fascist Forces" in industry and his 
day's media. A shadow of today, they included only print and radio's early days. 
Television was just an idea.
In his 1935 novel titled, "It Can't Happen Here," Sinclair Lewis also saw it 
coming in hard times, led by a charismatic, self-styled reformer/populist 
champion - a con man exploiting human misery.
He recounted Merzelium "Buzz" Windrip's rise to power. His promise to restore 
prosperity equitably hid his alliance with corporatist interests and religious 
He capitalized on hard times to establish militarism and unconstitutional 
governance. He convened military tribunals for civilians and called dissenters 
traitors. He institutionalized tyranny, put political enemies in concentration 
camps, and created Minute Men paramilitaries to terrorize anyone opposing him.
He destroyed democracy, declared martial law, usurped dictatorial powers, 
circumvented Congress, and made himself supreme ruler.
During Roosevelt's New Deal era, Lewis said indeed it can happen here. If then, 
why not now!
In his 2003 article titled, "Fascism Anyone?" political scientist Laurence W. 
Britt discussed its 14 comment elements, saying:
"These basic characteristics are more prevalent and intense in some regimes than 
in others, but they all share some level of similarity."
In 2003 America, decades earlier, and today, it's present, worrisome, and 
Elements of Police State Fascism
(1) "Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism," including display 
flags, lapel pins, and other patriotic nationalist expressions, rally people for 
a common cause.
(2) "Disdain for the importance of human rights" and civil liberties, believing 
they hinder ruling elitist power.
(3) "Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause," shifting blame 
for failures, "channel(ling) frustration in controlled directions," and 
vilifying targeted groups for political advantage.
(4) "The supremacy of the military/avid militarism," allocating a 
disproportionate share of national wealth and resources for it.
(5) "Rampant sexism," viewing women as second-class citizens.
(6) "A controlled mass media," in public or private hands, promoting power elite 
(7) "Obsession with national security," using it as an instrument of 
belligerence and oppression.
(8) "Religion and ruling elite tied together," portraying themselves as military 
defenders of the nation's dominant religion at the expense of one or more 
others, deemed inferior or threatening.
(9) "Power of corporations defended," for economic power, military production, 
and social control.
(10) "Power of labor suppressed or eliminated," leaving political and corporate 
dominance unchallenged.
(11) "Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts," because they 
represent intellectual and academic freedom, subversive to national security and 
political control.
(12) "Obsession with crime and punishment," handling them by draconian criminal 
justice measures and practices.
(13) "Rampant cronyism and corruption," power elites enriching themselves at the 
expense of others less fortunate.
(14) "Fraudulent elections," manipulated for desired results by disenfranchising 
opposition voters or simply rigging the process.
All these characteristics describe America. It's a democracy in name only. It's 
run by powerful elitists for their own interests at the expense of all others.
In 2010, Noam Chomsky said:
"I'm just old enough to have heard a number of Hitler's speeches on the radio, 
and I have a memory of the texture and the tone of the cheering mobs, and I have 
the dread sense of the dark clouds of fascism gathering" here at home.
At the time, Weimar German "was the peak of Western civilization and was 
regarded as a model of democracy." How quickly things changed.
In 1928, Nazis got 2% of the vote. In 1930, millions supported them during 
growing hard times. Moreover, people were tired of favoring powerful interests 
and ignoring popular grievances. They lurched right for something better.
They succumbed to appeals about "the greatness of the nation, defending it 
against threats, and carrying out the will of eternal providence." When workers, 
farmers, petit bourgeoisie, and Christian groups supported it, "the center very 
quickly collapsed."
Echoes of that time "reverberat(e)" today, he stressed. "These are lessons to 
keep in mind," especially as enactment of empowering military authorities to 
indefinitely detain US citizens without charge or trial draws near.
Provisions in both House and Senate FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act 
versions contain authorizing language. If enacted, anyone, including US 
citizens, accused of present or past association with alleged terrorist groups 
may be indefinitely detained in military prisons without constitutional 
Doing so institutionalizes tyranny. Political Washington's about to enact it. No 
one voicing dissent will be safe, including OWS social justice protesters. 
Demanding corporatism and democracy for the few be replaced by respecting 
everyone's rights equitably may be criminalized. America will have reached rock 
Occupy Wall Street.com says "the only solution is World Revolution" is right 
because nothing else tried so far worked. 
Political Washington wants freedom and resistance destroyed. Preserving them 
won't come easily or quickly. 
A better world is possible. Going for it is goal one.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at 
Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge 
discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the 
Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and 
Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
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