Petition to Bring Luis Posada to Justice

Why is Luis Posada Carriles still here undocumented?
Why This Is Important
Investigate of why incriminating evidence against Luis Posada Carriles
was destroyed/removed. Prosecute Carriles.
For decades Luis Posada Carriles has committed crimes again humanity.
World-wide he is known as the Bin Laden of this hemisphere. Due to his
terrorist actions- he can not get citizenship nor asylum. The CIA
stopped using him in the 1990s due to Carriles involvement in the drug
trade. Some seemed to forgot or put blinders on the involvement of
Carriles with Bush and Oliver North in the Iran- Contras.
Many immigrants have been detained/deported and in many cases removed
to Mexico regardless of their originating country.The same should
happen to Carriles instead of awaiting for a country to be asked to
take him.
It is known that Carriles was in Dallas when John F. Kennedy was
assassinated and played a role November 22, 1963. Besides downing a
plane that was mostly of teenagers of color in international waters;
he also had a role in placing a bomb in Washington DC killing an
ambassador and an American (wounding her husband); and a role in
murders in New Jersey and Miami.
Carriles having 4 decades of terrorism. The war on terrorism forgot
one -Carriles.
The following are links in case of people do not know who or why.
Activism, American Politics, Global Events, Latin America
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