Cuba:Our home away from home


Our home away from home
By Obi Egbuna, Jr.

Mother Africa is our home and that will never change
So when we say that Cuba is our home away from home, we hope we don’t sound strange
Because we don’t want African people to be confused
This is something we must explain
In Cuba we are part of a revolution that everyone is fighting to sustain

In Cuba everyone has free health care and education
We don’t understand why this isn’t the goal of every single nation
When people hear the truth about Cuba they say miracles never cease
We respond by telling them let’s end exploitation and bring about real world peace

We know we are in danger but we don’t have any fear
Because our African ancestors’ fighting spirit makes us see things very clear
Cuba is often praised for it’s vision and bravery
Because of how we overcame colonialism and slavery

Mother Africa is our home and that will never change
So when we say that Cuba is our home away from home, we hope we don’t sound strange.

Race and Culture
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