Mnangagwa, Maduro Defying Imperialism’s Blueprint


Mnangagwa Maduro Defying Imperialism’s Blueprint
Obi Egbuna Jr
Those Africans who are no strangers to Church on Sundays, if asked how many times their pastors quoted the books of Matthew and Luke concerning judgment or if it is possible to recall the exact number of testimonies where the question Can I Get Witness was posed, more than likely the answer would be they lost count many moons ago.
Whether Africans at home and abroad use the 42 Principles of Maat or the 10 Commandments in the King James Bible as the cardinal principles concerning how they conduct their lives on a daily basis, when it comes to engaging our former colonizers and enslavers, the time has come to tell them to their faces Thou shall not evangelize.
The reelection of Comrade Nicholas Maduro in Venezuela’s Presidential election last week and the inevitable outcome in Zimbabwe, where the entire planet will watch President Mnangagwa score a one sided victory, is a sharp reminder that Mother Africa and her children in the Americas are completely unfazed by the US-EU Imperialist narrative that we are politically, militarily or spiritually uncivilized.
When President Mnangagwa decided to meet with all the opposition parties in Zimbabwe, for the purpose of discussing how the harmonized elections must proceed stressing peace and transparency,that was done because of Zimbabweans standards and expectations not to satisfy our former colonizers and enslavers.
What came as no surprise, immediately after the resounding one sided victory of Comrade Maduro was made official, the neo-colonialist and neo liberals outfit known as the Lima group that consists of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Saint Lucia announced they refused to recognize the results.
This reactionary chorus of nations comes as no surprise, especially since US Vice President Mike Pence prior to the Venezuelan elections scheduled a press conference and made the following requests of the Organization of American States “We call on members of the OAS to suspend Venezuela from the Organization of American States, this is an institution dedicated to democracy”. Vice President Pence followed up that request with “ The time has come to cut off Venezuelan corrupt leaders from laundering money through your financial systems The time has come from to enact visa restrictions to prevent Venezuelan leaders from entering your nations”.
The OAS is also guilty of using scare tactics against Comrade Maduro and the Venezuelan people earlier this year, they attempted to push a resolution demanding that the Presidential elections be canceled altogether, which was rejected by Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador. Venezuela’s Deputy Foreign Minister to North America Samuel Moncada accused the OAS of promoting violence and stability in Venezuela. The OAS in partnership with US Imperialismwere attempting to rebound from having a resolution killed last year in Cancun, Mexico, at an OAS meeting of regional foreign ministers that was aimed at stopping Comrade Maduro from autocratically adopting what they called a Cuban style constitution, thanks to Bolivia, Nicaragua,St Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Christopher and Nevis and the abstentions of Haiti, the Domnican Republic, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda. This caused a reporter from the right wing newspaper the Miami Herald to pose a question How could a few tiny Caribbean islands defeat a resolution that was backed by the United States, Canada, Mexico and Argentina and 15 other major countries in the region?
Exactly 24 hours after the election in Venezuela President Trump issued an executive order that blocked any US transactions in Venezuelan government assets, debt, equity or collateral, the objective was to make it virtually impossible for Venezuelan diplomats to liquidate assets in the U.S.
President Maduro responded to this diplomatic heresy by expelling the top US diplomat in Venezuela and after showing the imperialist mouthpieces the door stating emphatically on national television “the empire doesn’t dominate us here”. President Maduro has also called Mr, Brian Naranjo who was Deputy Charge D’ Affaires the head of the CIA in Venezuela and accused him and his boss Mr. Todd Robinson of pressuring anti-government aspirants not to participate in the elections.
Comrade Maduro courageous stand challenges progressive and revolutionary forces worldwide to acknowledge what is glaringly obvious, it is always been extremely difficult to distinguish US-EU Imperialist diplomats from their intelligence agents, and it is financially cheaper for politically inept opposition to boycott elections that they have no chance of winning in the first place.
For some of our sisters and brothers in the United States who have a sociological and anthropological fascination with Latin American politics and Spanish speaking Africans, which causes them to either undervalue or blatantly ignore political developments in Mother Africa we must share a formula with each and every one of them. Nicolas Maduro Moros = Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa/ Venezuela = Zimbabwe.
The tactic of US-EU Imperialism using the OAS to demonize and isolate Venezuela is identical to how they used to have Zimbabwe expelled from the Commonwealth of Nations 16 years ago, after this Zimbabwe showing the self deterministic posture that best defines the 1st 2nd and 3rd Chimurenga and withdrew from this body altogether.
Because diplomatic bodies like the OAS and the Commonwealth of Nations are apologists for Colonialism, Imperialism and Slavery, it is no coincidence that nations like Zimbabwe and Venezuela will incur their wrath, but more importantly have the resolve to weather the storm and cannot and will not be pushed around.
Stylistically both Presidents Mnangagwa and Maduro are behind the scenes politicians, who have the arduous task of replacing two iconic and extremely charismatic leaders the late Commandante Hugo Chavez and Robert Gabriel Mugabe, whose articulation of their country’s and continent’s plights mesmerized audiences in every corner of the world.
It appears to be a sign of changing times that the faces of political parties in Africa and Latin America with an anti imperialist pedigree are no-nonsense and all business, and are equally committed to neutralizing Imperialism externally and removing the dead weight of their parties internally.
We hope this serves as a lesson to veteran grass roots organizers, who are guilty of allowing charismatic leadership to dictate how they rally around supporting these nations.
When Commandantes Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez were alive, Cuba and Venezuela were without question the top two political hangouts in Latin America.
Zimbabwe was either too far or Africa’s most feared nation by US-EU Imperialism was not a priority, because many forces who claim to be either progressive or revolutionary treat Mother Africa as foreign policy or another part of the solar system.
What this means is echoing the rhetoric of US-EU Imperialism on the Zimbabwe question, illustrates a self hatred that appears to have with a bottomless pit.
Recently the National Conference of Black Lawyers who in the past supported the historic Land Reclamation Program, an appeal condemning denying Zimbabwe access to Global Fund to fight the rise of HIV-AIDS and an appeal condemning US-EU sanctions on Zimbabwe, refused to endorse a project creating a resource pool for Cuban HIV-AIDS Doctors to send a 4,000 member HIV-AIDS brigade to Africa, push for Cuban Doctors to practice inside US Borders on Native American reservations, prison infirmaries and places where hospital and clinics have been shut down and sending medical and technical equipment to Cuban Doctors in Zimbabwe.
The reason given was the treatment of the LGBT community in Zimbabwe, it was explained to the NCBL that the LGBT question and dynamics in Zimbabwe stems from their role as regime change agents working with US-EU Imperialism to dispose of President Mnangagwa and ZANU-PF.
We all make a clear distinction between cultural and political icons like Langston Hughes, James Baldwin and Bayward Rustin who were homosexual and the war criminal J. Edgar Hoover who was the scum of the earth. We say to the NCBL in Zimbabwe, regime change agents are treated equal regardless of their sexual orientation.
After their victories Zimbabwe and Venezuela need our most genuine and heartfelt efforts, not opportunist and undelivered proclamations by windbags who have lost the knack for true solidarity.
May the sword that Commandante Hugo Chavez gave former Zimbabwe President Mugabe be treated like the wooden stake driven through the hearts of vampires.
Obi Egbuna Jr is the US Correspondent to the Herald and External Relations Officer of ZICUFA(Zimbabwe Cuba Friendship Association) his email is
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